Cement Storage Tips Which You Need to Know

Cement storage is a challenging task because it must be stored in a traditional method to ensure its safety. When it comes to cement storage, there are a number of considerations to make. The following are the various scenarios in which measures should be taken:

  • Temperature of Atmosphere where cement store.
  • Duration of cement storage
  • Place where cement storage
  • Way of Cement Storage
  • Withdrawal of cement

Deep Digging

  • Temperature of Atmosphere where cement store – Moisture is the most important factor for cement, and a moisture value of more than 5 indicates that the cement is not of the highest quality. Moisture in the air causes the cement to decay and become ineffective. As a result, cement must be stored in a method that prevents it from contracting when exposed to air.
  • Duration of cement storage – The strength of cement is affected by how long it is stored. As time passes, the cement's strength deteriorates. It is not advisable to keep the cement for more than three months. However, if cement has been stored for longer than three months, it should be tested for strength before use..
  • Place where cement storage – It is not a good idea to leave cement sacks out in the open. The best way to store cement is in properly designed storage sheds. They have the benefit of being able to be used for extended periods of time. Special design's main purpose is to make floors, roofing, and walls waterproof. The floor of the shed should be several feet above ground level. Small windows with airtight doors should be present. In any case, sufficient care must be taken.drainage should be provided both inside and outside the shed to drain water.
  • Way of Cement Storage – When storing cement in a warehouse, the method of storage is very important. A wooden platform of 150 to 200 mm is placed above the storage shed's floor to avoid direct contact between the floors and the cement bags. The cement bags should be stacked one on top of the other on the wooden platform that has been created. Each stack should contain no more than ten bags of cement.
  • Withdrawal of cement- When it comes time to use the cement bags, they are always removed from the stacks in LIFO [Last in First Out] sequence.

Final Words

For cement safety You must keep in mind the above points and must check the quality of cement before use it.


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