Basic Difference between PPC and OPC Cement

Cement is a vital element that creates a strong bond among all the materials required for construction. Think about it, without the presence of cement, connecting two bricks would be really difficult. To put it simply, cement is like a root for the building to stand strong. If snatched, it might break easily. Any construction made with cement has turned out to be a safer and more durable option to look forward to. Many countries have opted for cement which is environmentally friendly and economical.

You must have a dream of owning your own home or a small shop of your own, right? Or you must be interested in real estate. Before investing, you must know well about the market. There are many variants available in the market. This article will discuss Ordinary Portland Cement and or OPC and Portland Pozzolana Cement or PPC in this article. So, without further delay, let us begin with the basic understanding and usage of these two types of cement.

Difference Between OPC and PPC Cement

  • OPC is made with argillaceous, gypsum, and calcareous concoction through a grinding process. At the same time, PPC is prepared simply by adding Pozzolanic materials such as calcined clay, volcanic ash, or silica fumes to it.

  • Factually speaking, both types of cement are eco-friendly in their respect. But when compared, it can be derived that PPC uses more industrial or recyclable waste, which is even more beneficial for the environment.
  • OPC is initially stronger than PPC. While speaking in the long term, the strength of PPC is way better than OPC.
  • OPC has high heat levels of hydration, due to which it becomes an unfavorable choice for mass concreting. On the other hand, PPC is suitable for mass concreting with a slower hydration process.
  • PPC has lower levels of sulfate alkalis, magnesium, lime, and chlorides in the overall composition compared to OPC. This makes PPC concrete more durable.
  • OPC is not great for aggressive weather conditions, while PPC is highly resistant to such conditions.
  • PPC is a cheaper option as compared to OPC
  • OPC is responsible for emitting Carbon Dioxide in the manufacturing stage, whereas PPC is made out of recyclable materials making it more eco-friendly.
  • Compared to PPC, OPC has lower resistance when coming in contact with sulfates, alkalis, or chlorides.
  • OPC is usually available in three grades: grade 33, grade 43, and grade 53, whereas PPC are available in just one grade equivalent to grade 33 of OPC.
  • OPC is used for general constructions, whereas PPC is used to construct dams, reservoirs, etc.
  • PPC is suitable for hostile weather conditions, whereas OPC is not.



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